Monday, April 30, 2018

Tell Me About Your Paranormal Experiences

I am really interested to hear your stories of paranormal activity. I get a lot of stories told to me but I want YOU to share with us.

Please post in the comments section and I will get it online.

Thanks so much.


Thursday, December 13, 2012

Orbs, Paranormal or Just Flying Dust

Let's look at this photo of an "orb storm" and really analyze it. 1) It is taken outdoors, 2) In looks to be in a field with a lot of dirt, 3) I feel fairly certain that people were walking around in the area or the wind was blowing. Based on just the basics of common sense this is a photograph of dirt and dust.

I watch all the 'ghost' TV shows that are out there and am shocked and amazed that when an "orb" is captured on film it is automatically a spirit. Entire TV shows are built on 'orb' activity.

If you think you have spirit activity but the only evidence you are able to capture are 'orbs', keep digging because an orb does not mean squat other than you have moisture in the air, dust blowing around, it is raining or snowing. Oh, I know that some will argue that there are 'smiling orbs' and orbs that have their own flight path. I watched a popular TV show the other night and an orb moved a lady's hair, nobody mentioned the fact that her body was in motion at that exact moment.

I am not a skeptic when it comes to the paranormal but I do want hard core evidence and dust bunnies just don't do it for me.

Chime in on this.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Share Your Story of Paranormal Activity

Have you had a brush with the paranormal? Are you a member of a paranormal investigation group? Do you want to share your store and evidence collected?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions I want to hear and see what you have.

I am conducting my own little research project which may result in a book or at the very least a great compilation of stories and the evidence to back them up.

You can remain anonymous if you would like if you are a member of a paranormal investigation group and want your contact information public I can also accommodate that request.

Please leave a comment with your story or your email address and I will contact you with the information I am looking for as well as an email address to which you can send the full story, photos, EVPs, and video.

The basic information I want to accompany your story is the year that the activity occurred (or started if it is ongoing) location (the state or country is sufficient), and the story  - lots of detail please. Who has been impacted by the activity? How has the experience changed your life if at all.

I would love photos of any paranormal activity you captured, the transcribed text of EVPs, basically any evidence that you have.

Also, tell me about the area surrounding the location where the activity occurred such as; there is a river running through the back of the property 10 feet from the house, the history of the location (only what you know for a fact from historic documents, police reports, etc.), are there railroad tracks nearby, do you know if the location is on or near ley lines, just anything to give me an idea of what is going on around the location.

If your story and evidence is used in whatever my final format ends up, you will have free access to it or if it is in book format you will get a free copy of the book.

I appreciate all the help that I can get with this project. I am off to a good start but I know that there are untold stories out there.

**** Comments left here are only visible to me for this project. All information will be used by me only and if you have questions please leave me a way to get in touch with you. I don't want to put my phone number or email address out there because I know I would be swamped. Thank you. *****

Saturday, December 3, 2011

An Article I Wrote About the Paranormal Activity In The Shop

I right fairly regular articles for about antiques and collectibles so I thought it only fitting that one of my October articles be about the paranormal activity I had at the antique shop.

Please take some time and read the article and the comments -

I look forward to your comments

Monday, November 21, 2011

Another Paranormal Investigation Video From the Antique Shop

This video is from an investigation by Show Me Ghosts West this is a great group of folks and if you have any paranormal activity that needs to be checked in to I highly recommend them.

TAPS passed up the opportunity to come in and investigate the shop even with this level of activity... and much more.

This video belongs to Show Me Ghosts West and may not be used without their permission

Monday, August 15, 2011

Paranormal Experiences Are Still Being Reported

Yesterday I have some errands to run and stopped by the shop (Jasper Skyes) to see if they had any new and wonderful goodies I could not live without. The fireplace mantle I want is still there, goodie and the shop is filled with many wonderful things.

While I was there I visited with a couple of the dealers and boy did they have some stories to tell.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I Saw an Apparition, The First of 3

It was not unusual for me to stay late at the shop to clean, rearrange displays or UGH do book work.

One evening I was sitting at the computer entering the day's sales and felt a cold breeze around me. I just shrugged it off and continued on with my work and then the same breeze came through again but colder. This caught my attention and when I looked up and to my left I could see  a man standing on the other side of the counter. Now this shocked me because I knew all the doors were locked and there was no one in the building with me.

Upon closer look I noticed I could see through the man. He was very tall and looked exactly like Dr. Jones mustache and all. He did not scare me, once I realized it was not a living person, it was actually very comforting to see him. He vanished very quickly but he did stop by frequently after that.